Church activities


Coffee Friends

Pastry, fresh coffee, fruit drinks and priceless friendships! Come enjoy Sunday “between the services,” 10 a.m., at Concordia’s Willer fellowship hall (the other big building on our beautiful church courtyard). With God’s good Word for His loved people, join the conversation!

Youth Group

We gather on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of almost every month, around noon, for friends, food and Jesus’ care. We plan for concerts, retreats, servant events, and more. All welcome, 5th grade through high school. And older “kids” love to come and help, too! Ruth Bogenberger and Nancy Frayer, with other parents and leaders, show the way.

Special Education Group

We gather near every Wednesday, evenings, faith forming and preparing for baptism and the Lord’s Supper! Grow in Jesus’ love with us!

T(w)eens Group

7th through 9th graders gather Wednesday, 7 to 8 p.m., for one school year. We see the good life God desires for us (the Ten Commandments), who God is and how the Three-in-One frees us from every evil (the Apostles’ Creed). We grow in talking to God (Lord’s Prayer), glad that He’s made us His family (Baptism) and strengthens us with the Lord’s Supper (Communion). We see Jesus by our side, with us where we walk. All welcome, whether from Concordia or not.

Wednesday Musicians

“Concordia” means “harmony,” for here our voices and talents blend in praise to Jesus! Our late-service Traditional Choir rehearses on Wednesdays, 7 p.m. Our early-service Praise Band practices sometimes on Wednesdays, 8 p.m., sometimes Saturdays, 3:30 p.m. Want to help? Bring your voice and/or instrument. Harmonize with our joyful sound!

Two Days: Free Bread

Breads, muffins, pastries, bagels, day-old – yours free! Concordia, with Panera’s “Dough-nations,” gives away bread every Tuesday and Saturday, 8 to 9 a.m. Both days, two volunteers serve our neighbors and your friends. Give it a try? Tell our office (365-0844). Jesus, Bread of life, give your life-giving love!

Concordia Sarasota | Thrivent

Concordia’s fund-raising events, enabling our extraordinary programs, often receive grants thanks to Thrivent. Our volunteers also partner with Thrivent, Habitat for Humanity, and families building homes. See

Sunday School

Bring your kids! Your neighbor’s children! Sunday School welcomes all!

  • Infant and toddler nursery (also during worship): Karen Korzecki, room 6.
  • Early elementary: Christie Basinger, Education Building room 6.
  • Later elementary: Ruth Bogenberger and Nancy Frayer, the youth suite, room 7.
  • Confirmation Class (7th-9th graders): Pastor Stephen, Wednesdays, 7-8 p.m.

Substitutes include Ruth Bogenberger, Dan and Vickie Schaefer, DeAnna Whitlow and…? Learn more from Nancy Frayer, our church education chair.

Jesus, may all Your children grow with You!

“GiFtS” Women Thursday

Women of all ages, Concordia members and friends! Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m., grow with us at our Willer Fellowship Hall. Ask the church office (365-0844). We are GiFtS from God, “Growing in Faith through Scripture.”

Men’s Group Thursday

Men of all ages, Concordia members and friends! Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m., grow with us at our Choir Room, at the “back” of the church building.

Association of Lutherans Organized for Action

The annual February Senior Fest involves hundreds of Lutherans and friends, age 50 plus, in a inspiring day of rejoicing, learning, fellowship, food, relaxation.

Sarasota united for responsibility and equity

Sarasota United for Responsibility and Equity (SURE) is a congregation based justice ministry founded in 1997. Concordia is one of 20-some member congregations representing thousands of people across Sarasota County. SURE relies on the power of these numbers to solve pressing community problems. SURE is an interfaith organization committed to bringing justice, fairness, equity and peace to our county.